Sunday, March 17, 2013

We Joined the Blog World and a Freebie!

So... Here it goes, our first blog post....

After the successes of our TpT store, we decided it was probably time to start a teaching blog to be able share our teaching experiences and adventures with everyone online. We have enjoyed blog hopping from time to time, especially through the use of Pinterest.

A little about us, The Teaching Sisters. We are two sisters from Kentucky. The older sister is Sarah and the younger is Sami. Sarah is in her fifth year of teaching second grade in Kentucky. She received her Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Kentucky and a Master's in Education from Northern Kentucky University. Sami has a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics from the University of Louisville and is currently working on her Master's of Art in Teaching for elementary education. She will be graduating this May from University of Louisville.

We share an account on Teachers Pay Teachers. We have been selling items for just about a year now, and are adding new products all the time. Sami uploaded Circus Themed Math and Literacy Centers for first grade yesterday. All 16 of the centers included in the pack are Common Core aligned. There are 8 math centers and 8 literacy centers. We will give one copy of the Circus Centers away to the first person to leave a comment on this blog post with their name and their email address! Click the picture below to be take to the product in our TpT store.

We look forward to sharing our experiences with the blog world, and hopefully will grow as educators through this journey!

-The Teaching Sisters


  1. Just discovered your blog through Five for Friday. How fun to be teaching sisters! Welcome to the blogging world!

    1. Thank you for commenting! We're so glad you hopped over to our new blog!

      I will send you a digital copy of the first grade circus themed centers next time I have my computer up and running (I am typing this on my iPad, which does not have the file to be sent). Expect the file before Monday morning :)
